
The State of Remote Work 2019

Working Remotely

An important annual report, curated by the remote-friendly team at Buffer, gets released today. Once again, it doesn't disappoint.

The report is based on surveys of nearly 2,500 remote workers, which makes it one of the most comprehensive studies on remote workers available. The surveys asked a range of questions like, what's the biggest benefit to working remotely? What is the biggest struggle? Does your company cover the cost of drinks/food at coffee shops? And many more.

What many of us working remotely speculated, The State of Remote Work was able to confirm. Things like the importance of continuing to work remotely: "Of our respondents, 99% said they would like to work remotely at least some of the time for the rest of their careers." And freedom to travel and work: "44% of remote workers travel while working between one week and one month per year, and 25% of respondents do this work/travel combination more than one month of the year."

It is also important to recognize the downside of remote work. The State of Remote Work showcases some of the biggest problems remote workers face: unplugging after work and loneliness; so if you're feeling these things, you're not alone!

The study is a reminder for managers to know that these problems are widespread, and for remote workers to know that there are resources and processes available to mitigate these issues.

As remote work continues its ascent into the mainstream, these topics will become more widespread and discussion about the benefits and downsides of remote work will become common knowledge. For now, though, we have Buffer's State of Remote Work.

For more information, please check out Buffer's 2019 State of Remote Work!

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